Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Open comment to Joy Behar

The most unfortunate part of this interview with Roy Sekoff when speaking about Sharron Angle is that for those who live in the Las Vegas market and have Cox Cable did not get to see this interview. At five minutes before the hour and half hour local news updates preempts any HLN programming. I do understand that most Nevadans have made their decision on who they are going to vote for in this senate race and it staggers me that the race for the Nevada senate seat is actually neck and neck.

In this day and age, that any candidate who denies that she ever said that she wants to privatize Social Security and the VA, after video and taped interviews say that she does want to do just that, yet lives on a government pension and government medical insurance for life; rallies that an alternative to the Republican party not getting their way in this election is for the citizenry to evoke their second amendment rights; states that it would not be her job to create jobs for her constituents, but lambastes her opponent for not doing enough to alleviate unemployment within the state while calling those collecting unemployment benefits "spoiled" (and I could go on and on), yet so may in this state think that she IS the alternative to the incumbent, it is no wonder Las Vegas is considered the "Dumbest City in America" according to

Her lack of current affairs, how she feels that American towns are being ruled on Sharia law, that she feel she is a melting pot because she has been called the "first Asian legislator in our Nevada State Assembly" with no evidence of being Asian, how she suggests that Latinos in her ad about illegal aliens may not be Latino and that the Latinos she was addressing "look a little more Asian to me”, sounds more like a fascist agenda brewing.  

I am no intellect, nor am I affiliated with any political party, but I do have a degree and I know how to read. Her "Angle" on so many issues are wrong in so many dimensions. My parents were immigrants. They met in a Nazi POW camp and married shortly after American troops liberated their camp in Germany. My parents knew hate. Hate from a regime that spread the same fear of those who didn't thing like them, political polarity and a call to arms. My parents, as refugees knew hate on this side of the Atlantic as well. They were ridiculed because of their ethnicity and told to "go back home" because they were taking away 'real Americans' jobs'. With all that, I never met anyone more patriotic than my father. He understood liberty, and freedom. His understanding that differences are differences and that the great thing about our government and Americans is that they can compromise. That when it comes down to the wire its all about plurality and not polarity.

This election is not about voting for a viable alternative to an incumbent senator within a given jurisdiction, it's about special interests outside the jurisdiction doing all they can to overthrow someone who is a moderate voice and a voice of reason.

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