Saturday, November 16, 2013

Old World Chicken Soup

I have received some good feedback on Facebook for my Old World Chicken Soup I made and several have asked for the recipe. It really is a healthy soup and so very easy to make. High in fiber low in carbohydrates. It really isn't that complicated and tastes great. For those who are vegan, you can substitute vegan granulated chicken broth base instead chicken bones and you can marinade tofu in the above mentioned broth for about half a day.

Old World Chicken Soup Recipe:

1 Whole roasting or baked chicken (or precooked whole chicken from grocery store) Boned.
5 Medium celery stalks with leaves attached cut to 1 inch slices
3 Medium carrots sliced in 1/2 inch slices
1/2 White onion in diced thick
1/2 Head of cabbage sliced in 1/2 inch slices
1 Medium clove of fresh garlic crushed

1/2 Cup of fresh chopped curly parsley
1 Tablespoon of Vegit all purpose seasoning &/or salt to taste
1 Spaghetti squash

Remove meat from roasted chicken or baked chicken and place bones into cheesecloth  making sure that the bones are loosely satchelled into cheesecloth and securely tied off. Place sachelled chicken bones, sliced celery, sliced carrots, diced onions, crushed garlic and tablespoon of Vegit into a 2 quart pot add water until 3/4 full. Cover and let simmer on low heat for about 2 hours. Remove chicken bone satchel and add about a cup of both white meat and dark meat chicken, cabbage and curly parsley and continue to simmer for 1 hour. Taste broth and add salt to taste. When preferred taste is achieved, uncover and bring to boil in medium heat for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Preparing Spaghetti Squash:

While broth is simmering you should prepare the squash. I have found that there are two ways to prepare the Spaghetti Squash.

Traditional method: Poke 5 slivers through the skin with a very sharp knife then roast in preheated oven at 250° for about 45 minutes or until the skin is soft to touch and is easily penetrated with a fork, slice open, gently remove the seeds and attaching inner fibers, then scooping out the contents into a bowl to cool.

Modern method, and the way I find easier is to slice the squash lengthwise in half. Remove seeds and fibers. Place in a microwave safe dish with the skin facing up with about 3/4 of an inch of water, poke 3 to 5 holes through the skin and let cook on high temp for about 10 minutes. Check to see if the skin becomes soft to touch. If still stiff, let microwave for another 5 minutes until the skin pushes in easily. Use spoon to scoop out contents and let cool.

Gently separate squash with fork to produce noodle like fibers. These should look like Thai thin rice noodles with a slightly yellow/orange color.

Add cooled Spaghetti Squash "noodles" into a soup bowl, ladle broth/soup over the Spaghetti Squash "noodles" and enjoy. It is like an old world soup with a slightly sweet taste from the squash. It really is very tasty and in our house the two quarts only lasts about a day and a half.

Hope you like it and send me feedback if you have tried it. Love to hear what you have so say and even additions you make to make it "your own recipe".

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