Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Do You or Have You Ever Dealt with Career Regrets?

Those of you who know me well now that I am always on the happy go lucky side. The glass is always half full. (Unless it had Diet Pepsi in it, then it is downed in a matter of seconds.) Those of you who really know me then this next statement is one that will not surprise you. If I have one regret it is that I never pursued a career in music, specifically singing. 

I love to sing and as a stubborn, rebellious teen when it came to taking direction from adults, i decided to stop singing, because that is what everyone thought I should do. So instead of following what everyone told me what I should do, I rejected them and went on a quest to see what I really loved. My quest has taken me to many places and has given me to opportunity to do many things. I have had jobs working with dolphins, sea lions, pilot whales, Risso's dolphins, orcas, lions, wolves, and many other exotic animals. I have worked as a Cast Member at the "Happiest Place on Earth" and am "Very Good Friends" with all the characters who were 6'2" and above. I worked at a first of its kind company that was the innovator in computerized income tax processing, as an undocumented worker in a foreign country for a professional athletic team, bartended in some of the most prestigious places in the United States, a had short term stint working behind the scenes in television, peer tutored deaf students, taught athletics and physical fitness, travel counselor for well to do clients, ordained minister, along with other interesting jobs. When I moved to Vegas, the music bug hit me again. This time singing was on my terms and I realized how much I loved to sing. And I had a lot to sing about. I was given the opportunity to be not only a wedding singer, but a funeral singer. I have sung at more funerals than I have at weddings, and I began to wonder why I never pursued singing as a career. I haven't the foggiest notion as to start a career as a singer.

Now that I am in my 60's I know that it is difficult to try to take up singing as a career, but if it is possible and if I could make enough money to do it I would in a heartbeat even today. I have been singing regularly to a crowd up to 1,200 people a week and I still sing with heart, passion and emotion, but my voice is beginning to wane. I have always thought that one day I would do a duet with Cyndi Lauper because her music is so poignant or be a back up singer for Lady Gaga because i am just different enough to pull it off.

I often wonder if others have had regrets about career choice, and if so how did you change them? I would love to hear what they were and what you did if anything to change the situation. You can be anonymous or if you aren't shy, stand up and let me know how you dealt with it. No judgement here. Thanks. Let's start a conversation.

P.S. If you have a connection with Cyndi Lauper or Lady Gaga, let them know I am available. 😁

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